This is the time of year when business plans slow down, family gather round with plans for the Christmas holiday season and we are all thinking about how best to go ahead with Textile Fairs, newletters and other promotions. We are now all aware of the limiting boundaries of high prices, especially car fuel, hotel charges, and meals out, in fact everything to do with living in this country - there is no escaping the draining of funds and people are beginning to count costs very seriously. With regard to T.forT. and its popular fairs which have always been well attended, and the stallholders, who have made reasonable profits, the new organisers, Linda Clift and Caroline Bushell, are suggesting less fairs (cutting out those that might struggle to be viable) and limiting all fairs to one day - The main idea of this is to cut the costs for the stallholders who attend all the fairs; their rents have to cover the high postage costs of the programmes, the paperwork, inks and printing of invitations, emails, and newsletters. We do not wish to charge entrance to any of our fairs unless they are specifically in aid of a charity, when we pass all on without deductions. Our fairs have gained a high reputation for quality and reliability and we are determined to keep this going and hope you will all manage to come to as many fairs as possible to support us. WE HAVE BEEN OFFERED ONE VERY SPECIAL COUNTRY HOUSE VENUE WHICH WILL BE LISTED IN the next 2015 list of Talent for Textile events, an Email in the late Spring 2015 .
My textile business is almost finished and I can no longer travel to France to buy and have now finally left the organising of TforT in the capable hands of Linda and Caroline - but I shall keep in contact and watch my baby grow year by year!
Most of this was written last year, but for some unknown reason I did not publish - but I think it all applies to this year and I know there is a very special venue for a summer event again - country house owners know we get a very interesting lot of buyers and textile experts and are happy to open their houses and gardens
for us and their own charitable causes.
Happy Christmas to all who read my Blog! |
Good to read your latest posting. How exciting to hear that there is a new event in the pipeline. Have a super Christmas. Best Wishes, Liz
ReplyDeleteLove your latest blogs. Is the ticking wreath from Ian Rankin? I love his things. Going home in a few days and will be able to see the princesses sheet. Can't wait. Merry Christmas. Ginger