Monday, 5 March 2012


   Already, two of my readers agree that newly laundered linen sheets are a real delight and one says she starches the turnover - (good idea, mine gets very crumpled during the week).   One hotel we stay in,in the Var, France, changes the linen every day and I do find that a great luxury, although almost all hotels in France now have a notice in the bathroom that, to save water, they ask you to put used towels on the floor and the rest are not automatically sent to the laundry.   I once read that the Duchess of Windsor who lived in France  in great style, had all her linen specially made and embroidered by Portault, the famous linen purveyors in Paris (still active) and she directed four footmen (one to each corner) to carry her sheets from the laundry to her bed each day, so that there were no creases or folds to spoil them!    Some luxury!

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