My previous Blog shows my Irish Housekeeper's cupboard, or linen cupboard, with all its shelves full of French linen
torchons (tea towels and household cloths) That was three years ago and it is now down to bare shelves. It has worked hard for me and my buyers have always admired the regular piles of linen, folded into little groups of similar stripes and checks and showing every type of domestic drying, cleaning and covering cloth treasured by the diligent housewife (which I am not). It measures 12" deep by 6ft.6" height by 8'6" wide, so needs a good wall space to back it.
The cupboard is all in pine, circa 1810 with panelled doors, with locks and one old key, and the central doors fold back on themselves so you can see the whole array in one go. It has ventilation openings covered in decorative wirework panels. I bought it in Bath about 20 years ago, it moved with me from Freshford to Bradford on Avon, where it may be viewed, and it is now past its date by 200 years, We have had a lovely new bathroom tacked on to this room where I keep all my best linen and that will be my new spare bedroom - toile curtains already up, wallpaper hung, and I need the wall space for a toile double bed to complete my Jouy rasberry pinky-red scheme and that will be the end of my linen store which is de-moted to a lower floor! Is this up- or down-sizeing? Contact
dbaer@onetel.com for further info.
Very good. Congratulations. Carmen